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Category: Arthritis Relief

Mar20th 2023

Got Arthritis Pain? Find Relief Without Medication

Taking an opioid painkiller for relief when a person has arthritis, especially in a weight-bearing joint like the knee or hip, can be a great temptation. The bad news is that while an opioid can momentarily relieve pain, the patient’s bones continue to grind together, exacerbating the underlying source of the problem. That’s before you

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Dec10th 2021

Living with Painful Joints? PT Can Help in These 4 Ways

Arthritis is a common joint pain problem that can affect people of all ages. While there is no cure for arthritis, with physical therapy, you can learn how to manage your arthritis pain naturally. For many people with chronic arthritis pain, prescription pain medications may seem like the only way to relieve pain. However, our

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Oct10th 2021

Opioids Don’t Need to Be the Answer for Arthritis Pain Relief

Find Relief for Your Joint Pain the Natural Way! Arthritis is a general term that actually encompasses hundreds of different diseases. Whether you have osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or any other type of arthritis, two of the primary symptoms are inflammation and joint pain. Whatever type of arthritis you suffer from, you’re likely struggling to overcome

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