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Health Blog

Physical Therapy Treatment in New York May20th 2024

5 Reasons Physical Therapy May Change Your Life

According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, almost 100 million people in the United States suffer from chronic pain. So, if you’ve been suffering from chronic pain for three months or longer, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, this means that people’s reliance on prescription pharmaceuticals is increasing all the time. In 2013, doctors in the

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Neck and Back Pain Relief Treatment in New York May10th 2024

Experiencing Discomfort In Your Neck and Back? PT Could Alleviate Your Pain!

Back and neck pain can occur for a variety of causes. Back and neck pain can be mild to severe, and it may be accompanied by other symptoms. Fortunately, physical therapy can help you get rid of back and neck discomfort and get back to enjoying a pain-free life. Muscle strains, which can arise as

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Therapeutic Massage Treatment in New York Apr20th 2024

Therapeutic Massage Could Change The Way You Move!

If you’re an athlete, you’re well aware of the commitment required. It’s no secret that substantial training is required whether preparing for a major game, competition, concert, or marathon. As a result, you’re likely to hit a hurdle along the route owing to sore or stiff muscles. Thankfully, therapeutic massage can assist. Massage therapy relieves

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