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Category: Post-Surgical

The Benefits of Pre-hab and Post-Op Therapy For Athletes - RedCore PT Oct20th 2022

The Benefits of Pre-hab and Post-Op Therapy For Athletes

Are you an athlete facing an upcoming surgical procedure? Are you looking for ways to maximize your outcome? Just like in sports, practice before your game is the difference between winning and losing. If you are looking for the edge in your recovery, preparing yourself the same way you do for game day is essential.

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Dec20th 2021

Don’t Let Yourself Become an Opioid Statistic – Discover Natural Relief Today

Relieve Your Pain Naturally with the Help of Physical Therapy You’ve got so many things you want or need to do today – but they’re going to have to wait until you get your pills. Prescription opioids are powerful drugs that can cause pain to subside for hours at a time. Unfortunately, they can also

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