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Health Blog

Pain relief treatment in New York Jul10th 2023

You Can Rid Your Body of Aches and Pains – Without Opioids!

You don’t need to have a history of addiction to become dependent on opioids – in fact, many people who become addicted have never had any issues with drug dependency in the past. Fortunately, physical therapy can help provide the same pain relief in a much safer, healthier, and natural way. As stated by the

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Surgical therapy in New York Jun20th 2023

Do You Have Back Surgery On The Calendar? Try PT First

Back pain is one of the most disabling disorders. Back discomfort, which can range from a mild ache to agonizing, can prevent you from performing ordinary daily things that you used to love. While approximately 80% of persons will suffer from back pain at some point in their life, the methods utilized to relieve it

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Stretching exercise in New York Jun10th 2023

Add Stretching to Your Daily Routine to Improve Your Health

Is it possible to increase your total health, wellness, and quality of life with a few simple physical motions? When it comes to stretching, the answer is unmistakably yes. For this reason, stretching exercises are a common part of physical therapy. You might be shocked to see how many different ways stretches can benefit you.

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