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Category: Health & Wellness

May16th 2022

7 Tips For Getting More Physical Activity Into Your Routine

Whether you realize it or not, you’re probably living a very sedentary life. It’s pretty common to be less active the older we get, but if we want to remain as healthy as possible, we must incorporate as much physical activity into our daily lives as we can! Some people make the excuse that they

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The Importance of Wearing Weightlifting Shoes Apr18th 2022

The Importance of Wearing Weightlifting Shoes

You must maintain a high level of fitness if you are an athlete or someone who enjoys a lot of exercises. This necessitates relying on strong core muscles to stabilize our bodies and allow us to perform at our best. The squat is one of the most important exercises for core strength. This appears to

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Apr11th 2022

Which Is Best For You: Weightlifting or Cardio? Here’s How To Tell!

Cardio exercise and weightlifting hold equally important places when it comes to physical therapy and exercising for good health. The only way to know which of the two is the better choice is to know what your end goal is. If building up stamina and endurance is your end goal, the best choice would definitely

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