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Category: Nutrition, Aches & Pains

Oct20th 2021

Are You Stretching Frequently? If Not, Here’s 5 Reasons Why You Should!

Improve Your Health and Wellness by Stretching! Have you ever noticed how good stretching feels after a nap, when you first wake up in the morning, or after vigorous physical activity? That good feeling just scratches the surface with the many health benefits you can get from regular stretching. That’s why our physical therapist commonly

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Jun20th 2021

7 Easy Ways To Improve Your Physical Health and Overall Fitness

Making Small Changes Can Increase Your Fitness Levels Most people believe that in order to stay fit they have to dedicate hours every day to working out or visiting the gym. This is why many of us find ourselves saying that we have no time to exercise! However, exercising and staying physically fit doesn’t have

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3 Common Types of Arthritis. May20th 2021

3 Common Types of Arthritis Physical Therapy Without Medications

Say Goodbye To Harmful Medications Today and hello to arthritis physical therapy Arthritis is a pretty common term used to describe over 100 different types of joint pain and disease. Many people believe that arthritis only affects elderly people, but this is far from the truth. According to Healthline, “the symptoms of arthritis usually develop

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