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Health Blog

Do You Have Back Pain From A Sports Injury? Feb20th 2022

Do You Have Back Pain From A Sports Injury?

If you play sports and have recently been experiencing severe back pain that you just can’t ignore no matter how hard you try, chances are you’ve sustained a sports injury. Sports injuries are very common, and many of them affect the back and spine. Although some injuries heal on their own with time, it’s not

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Feb10th 2022

Are You Causing Damage By Skipping Stretching During Your Workout?

It’s no secret: Americans do not engage in enough physical activity on a daily basis! With our jobs and working from home for the majority of last year, we’re leading very sedentary lives. It’s just not good for you, but it’s the reality for many. The truth is that adults in good health should aim

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Jan20th 2022

Live a Healthier and More Active Life with These 7 Tips

Get Moving Today! Do you make sure to stay active every day? Doing so can increase your lifespan, improve your mood, help you maintain a healthy weight, increase strength, flexibility, endurance and balance, in addition to helping you manage chronic pain and other health conditions. Regular physical activity is so important that our physical therapy

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