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Health Blog

Nov20th 2021

Are You Living with Any of These 5 Conditions? If So, Consider PT!

5 Signs You May be in Need of Physical Therapy! Did you know that physical therapy can be used to manage a variety of different conditions as a natural form of pain relief? Unfortunately, it is usually not only until after attempting more conventional medical approaches such as surgery and prescription painkillers that people realize

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Nov10th 2021

Fighting Chronic Pain with Physical Therapy

Treat Your Chronic Pain Safely! Any pain that lasts longer than three months is classified as “chronic.” When people have chronic pain for a long time, it can become a downward spiral. As a result of the pain, they become more inactive and sedentary, and more often than not, their health worsens. People with chronic

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Oct20th 2021

Are You Stretching Frequently? If Not, Here’s 5 Reasons Why You Should!

Improve Your Health and Wellness by Stretching! Have you ever noticed how good stretching feels after a nap, when you first wake up in the morning, or after vigorous physical activity? That good feeling just scratches the surface with the many health benefits you can get from regular stretching. That’s why our physical therapist commonly

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