Physical Therapy Can Help You Avoid Surgery After A Sports Injury

Mar10th 2022

A sports injury can happen to anyone, whether they are professional or an amateur athlete. People who have just started exercising or participating in sports on a recreational level are often the most vulnerable to sports injuries. In this article, sports injuries are defined as injuries to the musculoskeletal system, which includes muscles, bones, and tissues like cartilage. Our innovative care strategies at RedCore Physical Therapy will help you find quick relief.

The following are the most common sports injuries:

  • STRAINS: A strain occurs when a muscle or tendon is pulled, torn, or twisted. Strains are non-contact injuries, such as those that occur from overstretching. A common example of a strain is a muscle spasm. A back or neck strain is a very common injury treated in physical therapy.
  • SPRAINS: A sprain occurs when the connective tissue that joins the end of the bone with another is stretched or torn. Those connective tissues are known as ligaments. Sprains are caused by trauma such as a fall or blow to the body that knocks a joint out of position. Ankles, knees, and wrists are most vulnerable to sprains. However, back, neck, and shoulder sprains are very common too.
  • KNEE INJURIES: According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the knee is the most commonly injured joint. Orthopedic surgeons see more than 5.5 million people annually for knee injuries, which can include a runner’s knee (pain or tenderness close to the knee cap at the front side of the knee), tendonitis, and iliotibial band syndrome (pain on the outer side of the knee). Severe knee injuries often include bone bruises or damage to the cartilage or ligaments.
  • SHIN SPLINTS: Shin splints occur when there is pain along the large bone in the front of the lower leg, known as the tibia or shin bone. Shin splints most commonly occur in runners, especially those who are just starting a running program. This is usually due to poor alignment of the body, or weakness in the leg muscles.
  • Golfer’s elbow: This condition occurs when the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bony bump on the inside of your elbow, causing pain. The pain might spread into your forearm and wrist. Golfer’s elbow is not limited to golfer’s, and it is similar to tennis elbow.

Have you had joint replacement surgery due to a sports injury?

While it’s true that surgery isn’t something you’d want to have, in some cases it’s unavoidable. The good news is that physical therapy can still help you recover from surgery by providing a variety of benefits. Our clinic, for example, sees a lot of athletes who have had joint replacement surgery and are in need of assistance with recovery.

Following joint replacement surgery, it may be difficult to move around as freely as you once did, or to complete daily tasks as easily as you once did. You may also find your game performance as been affected as well, but don’t worry! Our joint replacement therapeutic methods can help relieve your pain and improve your function, allowing you to get back to your life as soon as possible.

Individualized post-surgical rehab at (practice name) in (town) not only minimizes your pain and accelerates your rate of healing, but it can also reduce the chances of post-operative complications, including infections, bleeding, blood clots, muscle weakness, scar tissue, decreased function, and other factors that can negatively impact your long-term health.

After receiving your total joint replacement, physical therapy at (practice name) will be an integral part of your healing process. One of our licensed physical therapists will provide a treatment plan for you that will assist in restoring your range of motion, flexibility, strength, endurance, and overall mobility. After you undergo a joint replacement procedure, you will find you have physical limitations.

A (town) physical therapist can help teach you how to move in ways that allow you to bypass movement restrictions, such as how to go up and down the stairs, put on clothes, or get in and out of a car. By making these adjustments, you will be able to move around comfortably while also working to restore your normal range of motion.

Pain shouldn’t keep you on the bench

There is nothing more exciting than taking on a new challenge, sport, or activity. For most of us, the thrill of accomplishing a physical goal is what we live for. However, are you prepared for it? The term “weekend warrior” means a person who doesn’t train for what they are doing; they just go out and do it on the weekend.

How do most sports injuries occur?

Most sports injuries occur from ill-prepared individuals who just jump into the activity without first increasing their strength, endurance, and flexibility. Your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and other tissues need to be warmed up to work properly. They take enormous strain during running and sports activities. Therefore, if they are not in top condition, they are more prone to injury.

The likelihood of sustaining an Injury increases as you age…

As you get older, your tissues become less elastic and a little “drier.” If you think back to when you were in your late teens, you could go into a full sprint no problem, take a flying leap, and do a whole lot without the slightest thought about it. When you’re older, not so much!

When your muscle, tendon, and ligament tissues have enough water, they are supple and stretchy, allowing you to do a lot of activities. Keep yourself hydrated and stretch often to maintain elasticity in your muscles.

What to expect with physical therapy

Knowing the right exercises to prepare for fitness activities is key. Our physical therapy experts have years of experience rehabilitating people after injuries and returning them pain-free to the activities they enjoy. What some people might not know is that physical therapists put specific exercise plans together based on your needs to prevent injury. If you do start to experience pain with activities, (practice name) can get you back to enjoying your activities pain-free.

It is important to do sports activities, fitness, and a host of other physical activities to keep you healthy and happy. With a little bit of preparation, you can easily do these activities and decrease your risk for injury.

  • Do stretch often
  • Do strength training
  • Do coordination training
  • Do endurance training

Call our clinic today to learn more about the benefits of physical therapy

The licensed physical therapists and physical therapist assistants at RedCore PT can customize a program that addresses the weakness of your particular musculoskeletal system, allowing you to recover quickly and remain active.

Even if you have an old sports injury, it is important to have it evaluated by our physical therapists to prevent long-term damage like arthritis. If you have sports or orthopedic injuries like tendonitis, arthritis, a stress fracture, or low back pain, our therapists can design a treatment plan to promote improved function, wellness and minimize the risk of re-injury. Be sure to contact us today to find relief!

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