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Category: pre-hab

PT Can Help Young Athletes Recover From Concussions - RedCore PT Oct10th 2022

Physical Therapy Can Help Young Athletes Recover From Concussions

Have you noticed that since hitting their head, your young athlete seems “off?” Are headaches and difficulty concentrating making it challenging to tolerate school and/or homework? You or your loved one might be dealing with the effects of a concussion. Fortunately, at RedCore Physical Therapy, our physical therapists are trained to handle post-concussion symptoms and

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Feb20th 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Pre-Hab

Have You Heard of Pre-Hab? There Are Several Different Ways it May Benefit You It’s no secret that having physical therapy after an injury or surgery helps you recover faster. But what if there was a way to prevent an injury in the first place? Or what if there was a way to speed recovery

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